Sunday 25 May 2014

Definitions, or something akin to them

I do not open these boxes anymore;
My heart has nothing left to see.

Feel the enclosure of my hand
That is colder than the phrase

"You and me," the pronoun "us"
A far call to the gods.

In this earth, we are forced into words.
The entirety of ourselves - existent, breathing,

Tangible - packaged into letters
That spell nonsense. Most of the time.

"You" pron., resident of the memory;
"Me" pron., a somber amnesiac.

"Us" pron., a regret, or might-have-been;
Something one keeps in boxes.


  1. those verses.. nice..very, actually..

    1. hello! Thanks for stopping by. Here, some gratitude and good will. Hehe
